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The administration of a newly established National Park has opened

The administration of Gutai Davaa-Khumuul River National Park has officially opened with the responsibility to run daily conservation management of a naturally beautiful area Gutai Davaa located in Amur Heilong Region, Mongolia. It is one of the recently established Protected Areas that were approved by the Parliament Resolution in 2020 at dedicated efforts of WWF-Mongolia and other partners (e.g. local communities) who prepared and presented its justification for taking under state protection.

The administration of Gutai Davaa-Khumuul River National Park has officially opened with the responsibility to run daily conservation management of a naturally beautiful area Gutai Davaa located in Amur Heilong Region, Mongolia.  It is one of the recently established Protected Areas that were approved by the Parliament Resolution in 2020 at dedicated efforts of WWF-Mongolia and other partners (e.g. local communities) who prepared and presented its justification for taking under state protection.
The decision on taking the area under state protection was made on time in terms of environmental conservation because mining companies were about to start their gold mining operations in the area that supports the head of Onon River, from which over 20,000 inhabitants of eight soums (sub-provinces) of Khentii aimag (province) do supply their household water needs.   Locals were totally against these proposed mining operations.  If gold mining were to take place in the area, the head of the Onon River that inflows into the Amur River would be lost and irreversible damages would be caused to the natural state of the Onon River Basin.
WWF-Mongolia, in collaboration with relevant parties, demarcated the National Park boundaries in 2020. Moreover, rangers’ outposts (equipped with monitoring cameras) were built and motion detection automatic cameras were placed for monitoring wildlife movements in the Park with funding from WWF-Mongolia. The data from the cameras are useful for creating a database on wildlife in the Park. 
© WWF Mongolia
Gutai Davaa-Khumuul River National Park


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