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Children’s involvement in crane conservation increases

WWF-Mongolia collaborates with wide range of other organizations including the Wildlife Conservation and Science Society, Administration of the Onon-Balj National Park, Administration of the Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area, and local government office. To increase knowledge, attitude, and perception on nationally and globally threatened white-naped crane and its conservation, the Crane Festival has been organized in Binder soum of Khentii aimag since 2014.

On the occasion of Migratory Bird Day, the Crane Festival is being celebrated for the seventh year since 2014 in Binder soum of Khentii aimag in order to raise awareness on the white-naped crane, the nationally and internationally endangered crane species.  WWF-Mongolia collaborates with wide range of other organizations including the Wildlife Conservation and Science Society, Administration of the Onon-Balj National Park, Administration of the Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area, and local  government office.   To increase knowledge, attitude, and perception on nationally and globally threatened white-naped crane and its conservation, the Crane Festival has been organized in Binder soum of Khentii aimag since 2014. This year’s event was jointly organized by WWF Mongolia, Wild Animal Research and Conservation Centre, and local authorities and park rangers in Eastern Mongolia in 2022.        
The Crane Festival event was full of interesting activities and entertainments including artistic performances of eco-club members and a contest “Questions & Answers” (Q&A) on endangered and threatened bird species. There were also photos and drawings on birds displaced.  “The school children, who participated in the “Q&A”, provided their precise answers to the questions without any doubts. This is a result of the annual Crane Day”, the organizers said.  The crane mob-dances performed by eco-club members were one of interesting entertainments during the Crane Day. The Crane Festival was attended by eco-club members who joined a campaign “Chicks of My Town” initiated by WWF-Mongolia to protect eggs of migratory birds.  The eco-club members made presentations on importance and value of protection of eggs and chicks from disturbances.  The event was encouraging active participation of children and was highly appreciated by local residents and ornithologists.  This year’s Crane Festival was attended by more than 300 individuals including eco-club members, school children, and local people in the soums.     
© WWF Mongolia
This year’s event was jointly organized by WWF Mongolia, Wild Animal Research and Conservation Centre, and local authorities and park rangers in Eastern Mongolia in 2022.


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