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Buon Ma Thuot City takes a stand against illegal wildlife trade

In commemoration of World Elephant Day, the "Buon Ma Thuot Says No to Illegal Wildlife Products" Model period 2024 - 2025, vision to 2030 was launched, marking a significant step in preventing the illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products in Dak Lak province.

Dak Lak, August 11, 2024 – Today, in commemoration of World Elephant Day, the Dak Lak Fatherland Front Committee and Buon Ma Thuot City People’s Committee officially launched the "Buon Ma Thuot Says No to Illegal Wildlife Products" Model period 2024 - 2025, vision to 2030, marking a significant step in preventing the illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products in Dak Lak province. This model is supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Saving Threatened Wildlife project, implemented by the Management Board for Forestry Projects (MBFP), MARD and WWF. 

The launch event gathered over 200 representatives from the National Assembly’s Council of Ethnic Affairs, the Central Committee of Viet Nam Fatherland Front, Central Economic Commission, MARD, Dak Lak Provincial People’s Council, Dak Lak Provincial People’s Committees, Buon Ma Thuot City People’s Committee, representatives of districts and wards,  provincial mass organizations,  non-government organizations, and generated interest with local businesses, tourism community and the public.

Information and concerns related to the illegal wildlife trade and the impacts on biodiversity, was displayed at a project booth during the Buon Ma Thuot 8th International Coffee festival in March 2023. During the festival, the MARD Minister, Mr. Le Minh Hoan visited the booth and made a strong commitment to protect wildlife biodiversity. Following these comments and the concerns of the province, actions to understand the illegal wildlife trade situation and implement a response were initiated. 

In 2024, supported by the Saving Threatened Wildlife project and in collaboration with the Dak Lak Fatherland Front Committee, a survey of markets and stores in the City was undertaken. The survey revealed widespread illegal wildlife trade in Buon Ma Thuot City, with 13 out of 16 wards (81.3%) hosting at least one facility engaged in illicit wildlife activities. Approximately 44% of the surveyed locations, including restaurants, pet shops, and traditional medicine shops, were found to be involved in the illegal wildlife trade. The study identified 20 protected species listed under Decree 06/2019/ND-CP, 14 species listed in the Vietnam Red Data Book 2007, and 41 species listed in the IUCN Red List including Critically Endangered and Endangered species available for purchase as live animals, products from these animals or as meat.

To address this issue, the Dak Lak Fatherland Front Committee issued Decision 387/QĐ-MTTQ on June 24, 2024, officially approving the implementation plan for the "Buon Ma Thuot Says No to Illegal Wildlife Products" Model. The Decision detailed key activities and strategies to eliminate the availability of illegal wildlife products and promote sustainable practices that protect the province’s biodiversity and precious natural resources.

"The support from USAID and MARD underscores the global importance of our local efforts. The Dak Lak Fatherland Front Committee is dedicated to engaging with Buon Ma Thuot city and local authorities to raise awareness and ensure that the message of this Model resonates with every citizen of Buon Ma Thuot," said Mr. Y Giang Gry Nie Knong, Chairman of Dak Lak Fatherland Front Committee.

The "Buon Ma Thuot Says No to Illegal Wildlife Products'' Model will increase awareness within the City on the laws related to the sale and consumption of wildlife products, engage businesses to ensure that illegal wildlife products are not offered for sale, and see increased attention from relevant enforcement agencies to confiscate illegal products and prosecute cases of unlawful activity.

Praising the Model, Mr. Be Trung Anh, Standing member from the National Assembly's Council of Ethnic Affairs commented: “This Model highlights the close collaboration between the U.S. Government and the Vietnamese government not just in economic and cultural areas but also in biodiversity conservation, specifically to  counter the illegal wildlife trade. Activities such as this deepen the recently upgraded Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the two countries. Collaborative initiatives such as this reaffirm commitments from Viet Nam to work with international partners to firmly and methodically put an end to the illegal wildlife trade and ensure a sustainable environment and future for the next generations.” 

The launch of the Model raised awareness about the importance of protecting endangered wildlife, through the placement of billboards in the city, an  exhibition on illegal wildlife trade and Dak Lak’s conservation efforts, a public bike ride, and a parade, calling for collective actions to reduce  the demand for illegal wildlife products. The Dak Lak province and Buon Ma Thuot city leaders joined hundreds of local people in these activities.

“The USAID Saving Threatened Wildlife project welcomes the opportunity to contribute to achieving the goal of the "Buon Ma Thuot City says NO to Illegal Wildlife Products" Model. We hope that with the collective effort from all stakeholders, Buon Ma Thuot will become a role model in preventing the illegal wildlife trade for other provinces to replicate.” said Ms. Michelle Owen, Chief of Party, Saving Threatened Wildlife, WWF.
© STW Project
Official launch of the Model
© STW Project
Delegates visited the exhibition booth
© STW Project
Delegates joined the bike ride to promote the Model


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