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Our News
“Earth Hour” and “GG-6”
WWF-Mongolia celebrated the 14th “Earth Hour” annual event with a focus on improved understanding and participation of individuals in combating climate change. This year’s event was organized under the initiative “Great Gobi-6” to protect six endangered wildlife species in the Gobi Region. The event was dedicated to increase public awareness on the six endangered species and their conservation and importance of protection of the natural springs, a main water access points for the species.
The highlight of the day-event was a fundraising for protection of headwaters of two natural springs in a territory of ASER. These natural springs are important for wild species such as Mongolian saiga and goitered gazelle. Public were active in donation and a total of MNT 1,200,000 (590USD) was raised during the event. Although this may seem like a small amount, it is a start of initiative of public donating to the environmental conservation.
In 2016, WWF -Mongolia initiated a campaign “Great Gobi-6” to build a partnership platform and empower collaborative efforts of governmental and non-governmental organizations and the public (local communities) into conservation of the Great Gobi six species (GG-6) of the Mongolian Gobi ecosystem: globally endangered wild Bactrian camel, Gobi bear, Takhi horse, wild ass, Mongolian saiga, and Goitered gazelle. Since then, the campaign has been organized annually in different provinces as one of the major public events in the country.
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