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“Chicks of My Homeland” was supported by local decision-makers

During the event, the eco-club members presented and shared about what they have done under the campaign to protect crane eggs at the Lake and its vicinity. Eco-club members from Dadal soum also carried out bird egg conservation activities at Ekhen Burd Lake. Main threats to eggs of rare waterfowls include domestic herds and dogs, according to the researchers.

WWF-Mongolia, in collaboration with eco-clubs in its programme areas, organizes a campaign “Chicks of My Homeland” to protect the eggs of migratory birds during their nesting seasons. To discuss the campaign results, an experience-sharing event was organized in Khurkh Khuiten Valley in September 2022.  It was attended by 30 school children-members of eco-club “Nogoon Alt” (“Green Gold”) from Dadal soum, who have been doing their observations at Binder Lake and its vicinity since 2019 under the campaign.
During the event, the eco-club members presented and shared about what they have done under the campaign to protect crane eggs at the Lake and its vicinity. Eco-club members from Dadal soum also carried out bird egg conservation activities at Ekhen Burd Lake. Main threats to eggs of rare waterfowls include domestic herds and dogs, according to the researchers.  Thus, the eco-club members presented awareness materials on crane species (e.g. white-naped crane) and their conservation to some local herder households residing near the Lake to mitigate the threat during the nesting season. A main message to the locals was to keep their dogs under control (e.g. to halt their wandering, especially on nesting grounds of migratory birds) during the nesting season. Meanwhile, the children recorded down sizes of the herds and the number of domestic dogs staying near the Lake during the nesting season.  Agreed and accepting the children’s initiative, five local herder households have become to keep their dogs under control during the nesting season.     
The experience-sharing event was attended by Ms. G. Baigali,  the Head of Citizen’s Representative Khural of Batshireet soum. Supported the children’s campaign, the Head of Citizen’s Representative Khural promised to send an official reminder “keep domestic dogs away from eggs of a white-naped crane in the nesting season”  to all local herder households and to cooperate with state environmental inspectors and rangers in its follow-up actions”. 
© WWF Mongolia
During the event, the eco-club members presented and shared about what they have done under the campaign to protect crane eggs at the Lake and its vicinity.


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