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E-competition for “Steppe Ecosystems”

WWF-Mongolia successfully organized an e-competition to publicly publicise a copyrighted book “Steppe Ecosystems” through online platform with active youth participation. The book contains key details on the steppe ecosystems those are to be shared publicly. The competition was held in three phases for a period from January to March, 2021. It was actively participated by 69 students studying in domestic and foreign universities.

WWF-Mongolia successfully organized an e-competition to publicly publicise a copyrighted book “Steppe Ecosystems” through online platform with active youth participation. The book contains key details on the steppe ecosystems those are to be shared publicly. The competition was held in three phases for a period from January to March, 2021. It was actively participated by 69 students studying in domestic and foreign universities.  
At its first phase, a question-answer (50 questions related to details from the book) was organized online. There were 24 students replied all the 50 questions with right answers at this phase. They were invited to move the next (second) phase of the competition.  The participants were asked to prepare and make their presentations on the book “Steppe Ecosystems” at the second phase.  The best presenters from the second phase were grouped (three in each) and asked to prepare and present short ads, posters, and short videos on the selected key points from the book to the public online. At the final phase, the selected groups were asked to make their presentations on solutions of the concerning issues to the steppe ecosystems. 10-minute presentations from each group were zoomed online for selection of winters.   
According to the organizers, the competition was much informative for either its participants (students) or the public as the detailed insights on the steppe ecosystems and their values were presented and shared in interesting ways. One of the ultimate goals of the competition was to show importance of team working towards the environmental conservation.     
© WWF Mongolia
At the final phase, the selected groups were asked to make their presentations on solutions of the concerning issues to the steppe ecosystems.


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