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The primary objective of this evaluation is to assess the overall implementation and effectiveness of the Environmental and Social Safeguards (ESS) measures, including the ESMF and its associated plans. The evaluation will identify successes, challenges, lessons learned, and any emerging risks that were not originally accounted for in the project design. Based on these findings, the evaluation will provide actionable recommendations to improve safeguard implementation in future phases of the project.
Rationale: The project “Promoting Dryland Sustainable Landscapes and Biodiversity Conservation in the Eastern Steppe of Mongolia” aims to enhance sustainable land use, restore ecosystems, and improve livelihoods in targeted soums. During the PPG stage, FAO and WWF carried out a preliminary study to identify the environmental and social risks. As a result, project risk was evaluated and classified as “medium” or category B by WWF in accordance with its Environmental and Social Safeguard Policy, while FAO included the project in the "High risk" category (given work in and around Protected Areas) in accordance with its policy as detailed in the Framework for Environmental and Social Management.
The project’s "Environmental and Social Management Framework" document was developed to provide safeguard oversight and guidance and to avoid, mitigate and/or compensate risks associated with the project and its activities.
Ever since the project kicked off, an ESS consultant team has been involved and providing support for the implementation of the project’s ESMF including capacity building for ESMF under short-term contractual arrangement. Starting from 2024, the project team members had become fully responsible for planning and implementation of environmental and social safeguard measures in each year’s Annual workplan within principles and guides contained in the project ESMF document.
Also, project specialists are obliged to conduct ESS due diligence whenever they seek approval of each Terms of reference for specific activities which is also reviewed by the project M&E specialist for confirmation. An external evaluation is necessary at this point in the project, for reviewing the implementation of safeguard measures against ESMF and to seek recommendations for improvement.
Purpose: The primary objective of this evaluation is to assess the overall implementation and effectiveness of the Environmental and Social Safeguards (ESS) measures, including the ESMF and its associated plans. The evaluation will identify successes, challenges, lessons learned, and any emerging risks that were not originally accounted for in the project design. Based on these findings, the evaluation will provide actionable recommendations to improve safeguard implementation in future phases of the project.
Timeline: 5-6 weeks after contracting.
-Report for external assessment on the project ESMF implementation.
-List of recommendations on planned safeguards measures by the review of draft Annual workplan 2025.
Scope of Work
The consultant will carry out a thorough evaluation of the following areas:
Effectiveness of Environmental and Social Safeguard Implementation:
-Evaluate the extent to which environmental and social risks within project’s ESMF have been effectively mitigated.
-Assess how gender equality was promoted through the project and whether women benefited equitably from project activities.
-Identify any new risks not covered in the project ESMF, in line with FAO and WWF Environmental and Social Safeguard Frameworks (ESSFs) and provide recommendations for improvement.
-Assess the risk mitigation activities in draft AWP2025 and provide technical recommendations
-Identify strengths and areas for improvement in HR management to enhance the project's capacity to effectively manage environmental and social risks and assess the capacity of project team members and key stakeholders in implementing safeguard measures.
Stakeholder Engagement and access to information:
-Review the effectiveness of consultations and participatory processes with key stakeholders, including herders, local government, NGOs, and community-based organizations.
-Evaluate the functionality and accessibility of the project’s Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) and whether it adequately addressed concerns raised by affected populations.
-Evaluate how accessible the project information is to target yet diverse stakeholders and ensure that it meets their needs.
Monitoring and Reporting:
-Review the monitoring systems used to track the implementation of safeguard measures, including the roles and responsibilities of local authorities and project staff.
-Assess the quality and frequency of reporting and identify gaps in data collection and analysis.
-Evaluate capacity-building efforts aimed at enhancing local stakeholders’ ability to implement and monitor safeguard measures.
Key Evaluation Questions
-Were the environmental and social safeguards implemented as planned and in compliance with the project’s ESMF and international standards?
-How effective were the safeguard measures in mitigating or avoiding identified risks and preventing adverse impacts?
-Were vulnerable and indigenous communities adequately engaged and included in decision-making?
-Were gender-related issues addressed, and did the project promote gender equity in its interventions?
-What are the lessons learned from the implementation of safeguards that can inform future projects?
-The consultant will use a combination of methods, including:
-Document Review: Review project documents (ESMF, AWPB, progress reports, ESS Screenings).
-Field Visits: Conduct site visits to selected sums to assess on-the-ground implementation of safeguards.
-Stakeholder Interviews: Interview local communities, project staff, government authorities, and relevant stakeholders to gather qualitative data.
-Surveys/Focus Groups: Conduct surveys or focus group discussions with affected communities, herders, women’s groups, and indigenous people, as well as the project PMU staff.
-Data Analysis: Analyze quantitative and qualitative data to measure the impacts of safeguard measures
-Advanced degree in Environmental Science, Anthropology, Social Development, or a related field.
-At least 5 years of experience in evaluating environmental and social safeguard implementation, particularly in rural or developing regions.
-Experience with safeguard frameworks (e.g., GEF, FAO, WWF).
-Knowledge of Mongolian environmental and social contexts, especially rural livelihoods and herder communities.
-Strong analytical, communication, and report-writing skills.
-Fluency in English, with Mongolian language skills.
Application: Interested consultants should submit following document package to the no later than 5:00 pm on Thursday October 31st, 2024.
-Letter of Expression of Interest
-Curriculum Vitae (for each individual consultant)
-Evaluation methodology/approach
-Quotation/Cost estimate not including field costFor additional information on the consultancy or the procurement process, interested consultants may send an email to
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