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Onon-Balj National Park designated by UNESCO as Man and the Biosphere reserve

UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme has approved the designation of 10 new biospheres reserves in 9 countries, and one transboundary biosphere reserve across 2 countries. One of them was Onon-Balj National Park of Mongolia. It was result of constant and meticulous stakeholders’ collaboration initiated and led by WWF-Mongolia. Also WWF-Mongolia has been conducting active conservation activities in cooperation with the Onon-Balj National Park for many years.

UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme has approved the designation of 10 new biospheres reserves in 9 countries, and one transboundary biosphere reserve across 2 countries. One of them was Onon-Balj National Park of Mongolia. It was result of constant and meticulous stakeholders’ collaboration initiated and led by WWF-Mongolia. Also WWF-Mongolia has been conducting active conservation activities in cooperation with the Onon-Balj National Park for many years.     
Onon-Balj Biosphere Reserve is situated at the southern edge of the Siberian and boreal coniferous forest, which encompasses the Daurian steppe and the Onon and Balj River basin. Major ecosystem types here include forest, grassland and freshwater, characterized by the vertical landscapes that transition from the Khentii mountain range to taiga/boreal coniferous forest, then to steppe. The biosphere reserve is not only a hotspot for wetlands and water birds, it also abounds in culturally important areas including historical sites related to Chinggis Khan (c. 1162–1227) who founded the Mongol Empire.
Part of the biosphere reserve is managed as traditional common land and used for livestock herding by local communities, which also make use of the area for haymaking, vegetable-growing and the collection of non-timber forest products for household use. The biosphere reserve attracts a lot of cultural tourism, while environmentally friendly and community-based ecotourism is also a growing industry.
© WWF Mongolia
Onon-Balj Nature Park designated by UNESCO as Man and the Biosphere reserve


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